Monday, January 16, 2012

1st Recipe: Pesto Chicken (or, my near-adventure with salmonella)

So, my cooking adventures started off with a simple recipe I found here.  I figured it was something I could handle as it only required 4 ingredients, and the only preparation that was required was "slicing" something I figured even someone of such limited culinary skills such as myself could master.  I bought the ingredients (including store-bought pesto--like I would make pesto from scratch, or anything near scratch!) and set out to the whole cooking thing. I bought heavy duty aluminum foil for the packets (lets be honest--I totally would've bought the foil packets [lazy!] but they didn't sell them/I couldn't find them).  When I got home, the chicken breasts seemed a little frozen, but I figured it wouldn't be a problem since I'd be cooking it anyway (I told you I was new to this cooking thing!). 

A few minutes of cutting and folding, 25 minutes in the oven, and voila!

Yes, I thought it looked so impressive, I took a picture.  I blame C (she literally photographs all the food she makes).  I also thought it tasted pretty good, until I looked down and saw that the middle was pink.  After I stopped eating (due to my fear of contracting salmonella) and told C about my cooking misadventures, she told me to microwave it to finish the whole completely cooking it thing, and it was still pretty good (and no longer posed the threat of food-borne illnesses).  As I tend to do when I discover something I like, I then beat it into the ground by making it 8 days in a row. I mean, I still like it, but I figured I should try something new, while I will recount in my next entry.

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